Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Pete the Cat in his Art Shoes

Holy eclipse batman! What a busy week. We started off yesterday with a solar eclipse. My district delayed dismissal for one hour in order to have the students stay to view it. Great day but long day.
We also have curriculum nights this week. I am pulling double duty being a staff member welcoming everyone in the building at the beginning and then going into the classroom afterwards to be a mom and listen to what is ahead this year for my own kiddos.
With everything going on, I am so glad to have an extra set of hands in my room with a peer leader from the high school that is right next door. She is great!
I want to get into more of the lessons that I am working on right now and what I am planning next but for now, I want to share my new "friend" that is out in my hallway...
Pete has come to join us! 
I read Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes  to my first graders and reviewed the Elements of Art with them. Then, I gave them a copy of a converse-like shoe to then design for Pete the Cat. They turned out great and I am working on getting them out in the hallway now to show that "We are creating in our Art Shoes!" 
Hope everyone has a great week!

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